Monday 26 January 2009

Self Evaluation 2

Attainment - 2 - I believe my level of work is to a good standard and that I am putting in the time and effort to produce some decent work.

Effort - 3 - Although I do not get involved in class discussions much, I believe my effort is shown through the written work which I produce.

Punctuality -3 - This was an issue before, however has changed. Sometimes being on time for period 1 lessons is difficult, however I try my best to arrive to lesson on time. I have also attended all lessons apart from on one occasion when I was ill.

Homework - 2- Most of the time it is completed on time and is always done to my best ability.

Abilty to work independently - 1 - The majority of tasks set are independent, therefore I feel as though I do this well.

Quality of writing - 3 - At the moment I believe that the quality of my writing is satisfactory, however it can be improved on a lot.

Organisation of media folder - 2 - It is organised quite well, however it could be better.

Oral contributions - 4 - I only tend to contribute when asked to.

Med 5 blog - 1 - My med 5 blog is always presented to a high standard and the quality of the written work is also to a high standard and is posted up on time.

Med 6 blog - 1 - Athough there has not been many tasks set to be posted on the med 6 blog, all work which was has been completed and is presented well.

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