Tuesday 16 September 2008


WWE shows often begin with an opening sequence like most tv shows which then leads to a heavy firework display on stage.

Shortly after, a top star would enter and begin speaking in the ring about an upcoming match (this is known as a promo). His opponent would then enter and argue to build up tension between two.

After this, the first match of the night would begin, which is usually with the less popular wrestlers. The more popular the wrestler is, the later there match would be. The most popular wrestlers, i.e world champions are usually in the main events.

During the night there is 1-2 matches/contests with females competing. There are also a number of backstage segments such as interviews and "brawls".

All rivalries within WWE consist of a hero and villian. Villians are usually made villians by cursing at fans, cheating in matches, using weapons, betraying partners, attacking the most popular hero and breaking the rules. Heros are usually created from impressing the fans with high risk moves, never cheating, appreciating the support from fans etc.

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