Thursday 23 October 2008

Action Plan Timetable

Tuesday 21st October- Research on the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC)
Wednesday 22nd October- Learn and memorise all of the assessment objectives and what each of them require.
Thursday 23rd October- Review mind map and write key points for what it takes to get an A.
Friday 24th October- Ask people to review my title. I am looking to see if my title is debatable and not too vague.
Saturday 25th October- Gather research on the professional wrestling industry. Research on TNA.
Sunday 26th October- Ask people to view some video clips about WWE and ask for their views and opinions so I can incorporate it in my study.
Monday 27th October- Buy a variety of books which relate to my study.
Tuesday 28th October- Do a detailed SHEP analysis on my text as I need reference to other texts so that I meet my assessment objectives.
Wednesdays 29th October- Create a bibliography on blog.
Thursday 30th October- Look at previous studies from past students and look what aspects of theirs I could include.

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